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OPIE Anywhere Logo

Stryder in OPIE Anywhere

What is Stryder?

Stryder is a powerful video motion analysis tool that drives exceptional patient care and clinical outcome documentation through innovative video analysis and advanced reporting capabilities. The Stryder platform integrates seamlessly with our application, extending our platform's capabilities by allowing users to capture patient videos, save them securely, create observational notes, take on-screen measurements, and generate comprehensive reports.

How Stryder Works

1. Select Video Documentation

To get to Stryder from within OPIE Anywhere:

  1. Go to a patient appointment

  2. Select a new form called ‘‘Video Documentation Form’’

2. Upload a Video

The form allows you to Capture a Video using your Smart Device or Upload a Video you recorded earlier.

You can upload a video using the following techniques:

  • Drag and Drop

  • Browse

  • Handoff

  • Capture

3. Open Observation

Then you can Open an Observation that allows you to analyze the video and record comments and images of what you are observing.

At any stage in the process, you can generate a report based on your observations and images.

Note: Your colleagues can also contribute to the observation.

4. Capture Comments and Images

You can gain insights and contributions towards your observation from colleagues, they can add text or image-based additions to your observation

5. Create a Report

Once you have finalized the details you can generate and export a final report.